Tuesday, October 16, 2018

An Achievable Utopia by New York City’s West Side Highway


Heatherwick Studio has teamed up with landscape architect Mathews Nielsen to design a utopian vision of a pier that creates much-needed green space in New York City.


Located just off the West Side Highway. the new space will offer expansive views of the manhattan skyline.


Unlike many such utopian proposals, this will actually be built.


Thanks to a pair of wealthy New York benefactors, the funding is already in place.


Construction is expected to start in 2016, and the park on piers is expected to be built for $130 million.


“The revitalization and transformation of this pier into a vibrant arts and community space will bring new energy and new visitors to our waterfront,” said Mayor De Blasio.


“When I was little, I used to come to manhattan to visit my great aunt who lived here and never forgot being driven down the West Side Highway and seeing the fields of disused pile heads sticking out of the river,” commented thomas heatherwick on the project’s announcement. “All these years later, my studio and I are honored to now be growing another set of river piles in the midst of these historic ones to hold up a new phenomenal public park with special spaces for performances. this project is a tribute to the ambition and vision of the hudson river park trust and the diller–von furstenberg family foundation.”

This is a post from Home Design Find

An Achievable Utopia by New York City’s West Side Highway

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